Saturday, August 1, 2009

No Task is too big to accomplish, if you just do it...

How do you get to the mountain top?

Tom and I both rock climb because it is a great way to start at the base, at the root, at the bottom of a goal and then take the actions, expend the energy, reach and pull yourself up until you achieve your objective.

Along the way, if you hesitate, you'll tire and peel off the rock. If you keep moving, you get energy from the accomplishments, from the gain, knowing you have advanced one finger and toe grip at a time.

You look up and forward, never back, never down and if you are free climbing (without a rope) failure is not an option... either is fear because it will eat you up.

We are going to be taking hundreds of people on the climb with us, teaching them how, in the face of this economy -- to help others lift their spirits, self esteem, and reach heights they didn't know were possible either, when first reading this post for Homes In Transition.

But, like a taste on the lips, like the breeze in your hair, sunlight on your face... certain people will know what it is like to help others first, and that it always comes back to help you, your friends, your family -- and it always, always feels good.

To those of good heart, that want to look up and look forward in your lives -- please join us, for there is nothing quite like reaching the top, observing what has been accomplished and has been done well.

We will show you the ropes, show you the routes and start you on an easy 5.2 (walk up the Bunny Hill) until you crave the challenge of the toughest and almost incomprehensible 5.15b (climbing the underside of an outcrop as you continue to work upward), laughing at what others fear, smiling at what you are doing at that moment.

Homes In Transition will help you grow in our program, to take on more, fearlessly, than you ever thought possible, knowing as well, that we are there to take slack out of your rope and keep you safe, moving ever upward, reaching your goal, too...

Come on, don't be afraid of heights... embrace success with us...

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